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Terms and Conditions

Last updated: September 3, 2013

At ClearSky Solar Investments ("ClearSky," "we" or "us"), your privacy is very important to us. The following policies apply to the collection of data by ClearSky. If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact ClearSky at

This policy discloses which information we collect and how we use it, as well as the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. We also explain how any personal or personally identifiable information that we may request will be used; these explanations can usually be found on the same pages where the information is requested. We also detail below our security policy, which describes how your personal information is protected.

In general we collect several types of information from you:

Information We Collect From You and About You

We collect personal from you while you use the site; most of this collection occurs during registration. Some information is required and some is optional. Additional information may be gathered during your subsequent use of the site, whenever you choose to provide it.

Certain personal information must be supplied during the website registration process, as indicated below, in order to (a) enable you to login to the site, and (b) to guard against potential fraud. This basic personal information includes your name, email address, home address and phone number

When you apply for units in one of our trusts you also need to provide the details of the bank account into which the proceeds of your investment will be deposited.

The information that we keep about you is required

Finally, we collect information about your computer and your visits to our website, such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit, and page views through the use of log files. We use this aggregated information in the administration of our website to improve its usability and to evaluate the success of particular communication initiatives and search engine optimization strategies. We use non-identifying and aggregated information to help optimize our website based on the needs of our users.

Communications From Our Site

As a registered user of our website, you will receive emails that confirm specific actions you requested. You will receive notifications confirming various transactions that you have Yoto time, we will also send user surveys, requests for user feedback regarding user experience and site operations or information about projects where units are shortly to be available for purchase. The completion of these surveys or requests for feedback or response of any offer is strictly voluntary. You can opt out of receiving any emails from us by ticking the appropriate box in your user profile.

How and When Your Information Is Shared With Other Parties

We do not share your information with any third parties

We may share your information with law enforcement or other government agencies as required by law or for the purposes of limiting fraud. We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process.


We will send you email notifications from time to time. Such notifications are required elements of your transactions on our platform, such as confirmations of particular actions you have taken. These required notices are sent typically to notify you of a change in status such as when you are confirmed as an investor, or for legal or security purposes. For example, certain notifications are sent for your own protection to ensure that another person cannot make a change to your account without your knowledge. In other cases, these notifications involve changes to various legal agreements or site policies. Generally you may not opt out of such service-related emails.

Where You Can View and Correct Your Information

You can access and review the personal information you submit at any time. To update your personal profile information, you can log in to your account using your email address and password specified at the time of registration. Click on the "Settings" section of "My Account" and make changes to you profile as necessary.

Web-Related Information Collection

We use cookies on our website for various purposes. Cookies are small text files created by a website that store information on your computer, such as your preferences when visiting that site. We use cookies when you sign in, to keep track of your personal session, including some account identifiers so that we can ensure that you are the only person making changes to your account. We also use cookies to track your activity on our site as a unique person. All of this information is stored in an encrypted fashion for security reasons, and no personal information about you is stored.

We use session ID cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site. Session ID cookies expire after two hours of inactivity or when you close your browser. We use a persistent cookie that remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time, so that we can recognize you when you return to our website. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser's "help" file; however, because we use cookies for our sign-in functionality, if you choose to disable cookies you will not be able to log onto the ClearSky website.

We use third-party tracking services (e.g., Google Analytics) that use cookies to track non- personally identifiable information about visitors to our site in the aggregate (such as page views and referral page information to track the success of our marketing efforts to bring people to our site as well as overall site performance). We use respective web beacons to gather information that lets us tune and improve our users' browsing experience. As with cookies, the information these beacons collect is aggregated, anonymous "click stream" and transactional data, and is not associated with any users as individuals.

Links to Other Sites

If you follow any links that direct you away from our website, this privacy policy will not apply to your activity on the other websites you visit. We do not control the privacy policies or the privacy practices of any third parties.

Security Policy

We are committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of your personal and financial information. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet or exceed industry standards for financial institutions.

We protect your sensitive account information by storing it in encrypted form on computers not connected to the Internet. We control access to this information via secure web pages and limit access to a small number of administrators. We do not allow visibility of bank account information via the website.

We employ firewalls and other security technologies to protect our servers from external attack. We enable our servers with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to establish a secure connection between your computer and our servers, creating a private "conversation" that cannot be viewed or accessed by other parties. We test our systems regularly to ensure that our security mechanisms are up to date.

We also employ session time-outs to protect your account. You will be logged out of the site automatically after a specified period of inactivity. This time-out feature reduces the risk of others being able to access your account if you leave your computer unattended.

When we contact you about your account to confirm a funds transfer, we only reference the last four digits of your bank account number; this is done for your protection so that you will recognize the source or destination account as one that you own.

What you can do

You can take several precautions to protect the security of your computer and personal information. For instance, you can start by using a well-chosen password. You should avoid using any information that others can easily learn about you, such as a family member's name or birthday, and you can also use special characters in place of letters. We also recommend that you change your password frequently. You can also install and regularly update antivirus and firewall software to protect your computer from external attacks by malicious users. When you are finished with a session on our site, be sure that you log out and close the browser window.

To protect your account, we send automatic notifications confirming certain actions taken on your account, such as changes to a password or a request to change a linked account. We do this for your own protection so that you can be sure no one else is making changes to your account without your knowledge. However, the security offered through these notifications can be undermined if other people have access to your email account. Therefore, you might consider restricting access to the email account you registered with on this site and/or changing your password on that email account frequently.

If you use a computer that is accessed by other people, such as in a public library or Internet cafe, we recommend that you take special precautions to protect the security of your account and personal data. When you are finished using our site, you should log out completely, then close the browser window and clear the browser's cache files.

You should also be aware of fraudulent attempts to gain access to your account information known as "phishing." Phishing is a tactic used by scammers in which unsuspecting people are brought to a website by a genuine-looking email purporting to be from a legitimate company. The phony or "spoof" email takes the person to a website that looks legitimate but in fact is not. Either in the email itself or on this fake site, scammers will ask for login information to gain access to people's accounts and withdraw their money. ClearSky will never send you an email asking you for your login information. In general, you can protect yourself against phishing by never providing personal or login information via a link contained in an email; instead, go the website directly. You might also make it a habit to check the URL of a website to be sure that it begins with the correct domain. In the case of ClearSky, you should always ensure the URL begins with or http://www.clearskysolar