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Linking community investors with quality solar projects

How it works

ClearSky connects investors to renewable energy projects in need of financing

As the project produces clean energy it generates revenue by selling power to the end-user

As the project earns revenue, investors are paid back with interest

Clean Energy Trusts

Each renewable energy project is organised as a trust with a maximum of 20 investors. The investors can invest different amounts and payments will be made proportionally to the investment.

In Summary

It is easy to invest

Everyone with a sign-in to this website will get an email when a new project is ready for investment. The full details of each project will be displayed when you logon. If you think you might like to invest in that project you can click on the 'I'm interested' button. In response we will send you a form you can use to apply for units in the trust associated with the project. We will also send out a comprehensive information memorandum with details of the likely return and the minimum investment. Units are allocated on a first come first served basis. Once you have been allocated units you will be given a deadline for depositing the funds required to cover your purchase, into our bank account.

Regular Payments

One year after the system is switched on, you will receive your first payment. It will be whatever the system has generated over the past year multiplied by the price per kWh for that year set out in the contract with Smart Commercial Solar. You will have direct access over the Internet to the system's inverter so you can check for yourself how much the system generated over the last year (broken down into individual days if you wish). Using this facility you will be able to calculate exactly how much you will receive each annual payment based on what proportion of the trust units you hold. Each annual payment has a capital repayment component equal to one seventh of the sum advanced, and a profit share component. The profit share component has to be declared as income tax.

Project Information Memorandum

Although the investment model is very simple - you provide the capital for the installation and then receive a fee for each kWh the system generates for the next seven years, three parties are involved - the end user, Smart Commercial Solar and the Trust The rights and responsibilities of the parties are set out in formal legal agreements. On application for units potential investors will get an Information Memorandum which gives detailed information about these agreements, as well as the investment risks and how these are managed.

Management fees

Smart Commercial Solar pass on to the Trust a specified fee per kWh generated. Before distributing this revenue to unit holders in proportion to their holding the expenses associated with maintaining the Trust are deducted. The not for profit company ClearSky Solar Investments, which is staffed by volunteers, provides the Trustee with the services it needs to run the Trust and it does this at cost. Estimates of the administrative costs are set out in the Information Memorandum. There is also a small levy to cover the costs of ClearSky Solar Investments' activities associated with bringing on line new projects and new investors

Everyone wins!

The end user pays less for their electricity and at the end of the seven years inherits a solar PV installation that will go on producing free power for another 15-20 years. Each new project contributes to the bottom line of the installation company, creates local jobs and boosts Australia's clean energy sector. Investors can feel a sense of ownership and monitor how their system is performing as well as getting a reliable income stream over a 7 year period

How the trust works

You and the other investors in the project become unit holders in a trust. The affairs of the trust are managed by a trustee company. The trust has a seven year contract with a for-profit solar installation company (Smart Commercial Solar) that implements the system using the capital raised and pays the trust a specified rate per kWh for the electricity generated by the system. Depending on the project the rate may be constant over the seven years or increase by a fixed increment each year. Smart Commercial Solar owns and maintains the panels and is responsible for billing the end-user at quarterly intervals. ClearSky Solar Investments provides for the trustee, the administrative services required to meet the regulatory and reporting obligations of the trust. A small fee is charged for these services.

Recent Awards

ClearSky was the winner of three Green Globe awards in2018: Climate Change Leadership Community Leadership The Premier's Award for Environmental Excellence

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What We do

We smooth the path for members of the community who want to foster the expansion of renewable energy in Australia. We do this by setting up projects ready for investment. You can find out more by registering to get access to these details.

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Who We Are

We are a not-for-profit social enterprise that was established in September 2013 by the Northern Beaches Chapter of the community climate change organisation Clean Energy for Eternity

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